Support the Church of the Objective Truth
While we believe supporting the Church is admirable we do not believe it is required by God. God will not bless you with fortune if you give, nor will God punish you if you cannot give. You cannot buy your way into God’s good graces. If you choose to give to the Church do so because you believe and support The Path and can afford to do so. Please do not accumulate debt or harm yourselves or your family by giving. Donations are tax deductible.
Financial Support
If you would like to support the Church financially you can donate with your debit card or sending crypto to the Church wallet using the links below. All donated funds will be used to procure land and resources for the Church.
Material Support
The Church is in need of equipment and material to build. If you have construction material or equipment, scientific equipment, farming equipment or livestock, materials for the Church library, or other items you would like to donate please send a message below outlining what you would like to give, where you are located, and whether you can transport them.