Our Church’s Mission

First, we must Create. God wants us to build. We must build places of worship and technologies that allow us to worship more efficiently in our pursuit of the objective truth. The Church must secure land and materials to facilitate this mandate.

Second, we must Seek. God gave us the ability and curiosity to seek the Objective Truth. We must raise children and animals, support Adherents, provide them with nourishment both physical and spiritual, and shelter them while they pursue salvation and an answer to the objective truth. The Church must bring together Membership to congregate and provide lands for nourishment and structures and environments for worship.

Third, we must Celebrate. God instilled us with means of recovery from physical and mental adversity and we must fortify ourselves for the continued challenges of creation, seeking, and self-sacrifice. The Church must provide places and environments that allow for celebratory worship to heal the body, mind, and soul.